Real Insights
Real Results

Mock Jury Focus Group For Trial Lawyers

Before you step into a courtroom… Before you select the first juror… Before you even sit at the negotiation table, get insight into your case from local people, tailored to your needs, and on your timeline. Legal Focus Group helps you go straight to the source to give you the edge you need to win.

The More You Know:
The More You Win!

You know your case. You know what it takes to win. What you don’t know is how the way you’ve prepared your case is going to play with the jury. How will lay people react to the legal points you make and the argument you have laid out? What are the tipping points that will win a jury over to your side? We can help you find these answers and more.

Legal Focus Group offers mock jury experiences for the 21st century. Using secured video conferencing, we have access to large jurisdiction specific participant pools that we can tailor to any demographic you need. We’re able to fit within your timeline and your budget to better prepare you for trial and ensure you aren’t missing something.

What we provide is quantitative and qualitative data that is guaranteed to improve your position at the negotiating table and in the courtroom.


What Our Clients Have To Say
Our Attorneys
Our Attorneys
Our Attorneys

Two Trial Lawyers and an MBA

Legal Focus Group knows how to get the results you’re looking for because two of our partners are trial lawyers themselves. They know what information you’re looking for, what is valuable, and what is sometimes overlooked. Our third partner has an MBA to ensure our business model is efficient, effective, and affordable.

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Benefits of Partnering

With Legal Focus

Juries are notoriously unpredictable.  Whether on the plaintiff or defense side of the case, our focus group sessions through the Legal Focus Group platform deliver unparalleled insight into the merits of your arguments and value of your case.

Get a jury’s perspective
Get a jury’s perspective
Gain new insight
Gain new insight
Learn what plays
Learn what plays
Focus your case
Focus your case
Include cost in fees
Include cost in fees
With Legal Focus

Juries are notoriously unpredictable.  Whether on the plaintiff or defense side of the case, our focus group sessions through the Legal Focus Group platform deliver unparalleled insight into the merits of your arguments and value of your case.

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